Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Music in Books

Afternoon folk,

Quick one this. As you'll know if you've read anything I've written I use a lot of music in my books whether it be references to bands, lyrical references, characters liking certain bands etc. This isn't a new thing and tons of writers do it but I like it as it allows me to add certain moods to scenes and it gives more depth to a character if we know what kind of tunes they like.

So, the point of today's post is to say that I've added a scene to the new book where Rupert, who is in reflective mood following the unearthing of a photo album containing pictures of his best friend Mitch and deceased lover Emily together, is sitting with his eyes closed, drinking a beer and listening to Music from Big Pink by The Band.

I did this partly because I'm a fan (I also share a first name with the guitarist) but also because of the news that Levon Helm is nearing the end in his battle with cancer. As such, if you are familiar with the music of The Band, you'll totally understand what I'm saying. If you're not, stop reading this and to Amazon and buy their stuff, you'll love it.

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