Sunday, 25 January 2015

Have you missed me?

Boom! And just like that he's back. Bigger, better, stronger, even more determined than before to unleash wave after wave of literary awesomeness upon the world.

God knows who that is. Me? Nah. I'm just chillin.

Currently I'm listening to the new album by the Charlatans. On gold coloured vinyl. I have a signed copy. The album isn't released until tomorrow. Benefits of having a thoughtful wife. Buy a copy, it's very good.

And what, you might wonder, have I been doing in the three months since my last blog post? Well, mooching mainly. Much as I enjoy the blog, it doesn't actually generate anything in terms of significant book sales. Case in point, in November and December I had my highest sales of the year. My last blog post was 8th October. So, what little promo I have done has been via FB and Twitter. It keeps things ticking along with essentially zero effort.

I do have a new book finished. Yay! I've edited half of it as of today and hope to release it mid February. It's a huge departure from my usual stuff. For a start it's not a detective, crime type thriller. It doesn't feature any of my previous characters and it's entirely in the first person, Catcher in the Rye style. That's been quite the challenge.

It's a confession in essence. The story is the killer telling the reader about what happened, how it happened and the aftermath of that. We learn how that single event impacted on his life, his relationships, everything. He's not asking for sympathy, or even understanding, he just needs to tell someone because he can't live with the weight of his guilt anymore. It's powerful stuff but you'll hear more about it when it's launch time.

By the way, if you fancy reviewing it pre-release, drop me an email (or even better tweet me or get in touch via FB) and I'll add you to the list. I'll send everyone a free copy and in return you leave a bloody awesome review. I've no interest in handing out freebies only for you to say you weren't keen so if you don't like it, say nowt!

In other news, well too much has happened to fill you in on three months. Dog nearly died over Christmas but he's okay now. Cost a fortune! Swine. Me old man's been a bit under the weather too, if you can call a heart defect under the weather. Needless to say I've got that to look forward to when I'm old. Still, I plan on being wealthy so that'll help. Work's just work though the wife has joined the firm which I like.

By the way, we've got a house to rent out if anyone's near Lancaster and wants somewhere to live. Needless to say, you can see it in that rather obviously link.

Other than that, everything's the same. Liverpool seemed to have turned the corner in the league which is nice. Some unprecedented upsets in the FA Cup yesterday but that's what makes it exciting. Oh, and we're thinking of getting a fake lawn. Neither of us has any interest in grass. It's a pain to mow, get's muddy in the winter and is not remotely dog proof. We have samples on the way to look at and then it's just a case of getting it installed. We're all quite excited about that.

And that's it. Blog post complete. Nice to be back. For those of you interested in such things one of my books is going to be free tomorrow until the middle of the week. It's my crime thriller sequel, Ballroom, Bars and Seawater Baths. Links below, spread the word.

UK Kindle Version
US Kindle Version